When I moved to La Cañada 16 years ago, I told people that I'd move back to...
Recent News
Did you know that people in the private sector with comparable SAT and GRE scores to teachers are paid less?
Despite taking parenting classes and reading parenting books, I still had a lot to learn about parenting.
I love National Geographic, but I’m canceling my subscription and getting rid of 26 years of magazines. The iPad app wins.
When you pull the small pin out of the device, it screams for 10 minutes.
As I write this post, our power’s been out for over a day. But does that stop me? Not at all! I have several layers of backup plans in place in case of emergency
Our celebration was smaller this year because of the Black Friday madness. My sister-in-law manages a store for a major retailer, and had to rest so that she could arrive at her store just past midnight.
Several times a year, I talk to people who are wondering if they should move to La Cañada. I always tell these people that my husband and I have never regretted sending our kids through the La Cañada Unified School District.
When LCHS teacher Gabrielle Leko said that calling a student “Jew Boy” and making fun of a student’s stutter was “banter with students in an attempt to develop a rapport,” I was reminded of former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky. He said that showering naked with and fondling little boys was “horsing around.” Abuse [...]
Why are so many women gathering and categorizing images on Pinterest? It’s addictive!
Do you want your friends to know what you’re reading online? If not, then you should consider logging out of sites such as The Huffington Post and The Washington Post.