Barack ObamaMotherPie asked me to list 10 reasons why I like Barack Obama. Here they are:

  1. Obama opposed the Iraq war even before it started.
  2. He believes that improving our schools requires both resources and structural reforms.
  3. One of his priorities is affordable, accessible, high-quality healthcare.
  4. He’s brilliant.
  5. He’s able to reconcile his faith with his politics without becoming too heavyhanded.
  6. He supports homeland security spending based on risk, not politics.
  7. He places a high priority on issues such as the genocide in Darfur and weapons of mass destruction.
  8. This one’s just my opinion, but I trust him. I don’t think he’s beholden to party politics like others might be.
  9. He supports efforts to reduce U.S. energy consumption.
  10. He’s able to see both sides of an issue, and admit that both Democrats and Republicans have room for improvement.

Thanks, MotherPie! This was good for me to spell this all out. I’m sure that some of the other candidates probably also share many of Obama’s goals and beliefs, but his philosophy meshes best with my own and I have great confidence in his ability and sincerity.

It would be cool to see John Edwards tonight with my husband, but I’d feel like a traitor since I’d have to donate to his campaign to have the privilege, and he’s not my first choice.

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2 Responses to “10 Reasons Why I Like Obama”

  1. Thanks, Kathy, for taking my challenge. I know you’ve been tooting his horn from the get-go and I was curious how a Californian would list his assets. You’ve put together a good list.

    I watched Al Gore debate global warming on C-Span in front of a Congressional Committee this week during a respite from road travelling. While Gore attempted to get beyond partisanship and respond intellectually to questions, the posturing of the panel members turned my stomache. I think we are all yearning for someone to be genuine, not produced, and someone who can demonstrate remonstrative leadership beyond the current Congressional quagmire.

    I don’t think anyone appreciates how we are sinking – as a nation and as a world leader.

    03/24/2007 at 4:58 am Reply


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